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Do you appreciate the amazing things that God has created in nature? Do you also treasure the creative abilities that God has given young people? Would you like to encourage and support the young photographers and filmmakers in our schools and churches? 

The 2020 Faith & Science Calendar provides you with a stunning set of photographs selected from the 2019 Creation Sabbath Competition. A number of entries in the 2019 Competition were submitted by primary school students from one of our Adventist schools. This inspired the Competition organisers to create a Junior Category in the 2020 Creation Science Competition.

The Creation Sabbath Competition team is selling 2020 Faith & Science Calendar to raise funds for the prizes for the 2020 Junior Category in the Competition. Would you like to encourage and equip young people so that they can share their experiences and stories of God’s creative power in nature? Buy a 2020 Faith & Science Calendar today, and promote the calendar to your church and friends!

Calendars are no longer available for purchase.