We are excited to announce and congratulate the winners of our 2019 competition! Warm thanks again to all our entrants, we have already been blessed by your contributions, and are looking forward to those blessing being multiplied on Creation Sabbath, as your photos and films are shared in local churches.
Winner: 775 – Chad Clark
1st Runner Up: 166 – George Smith
2nd Runner Up: 512 – Grady Thomson
People’s Choice: 841 – Jared Hughes
Winner: 764 – Jack Wright
1st Runner Up: 957 – Stefan Hofmann
2nd Runner Up: 596 – Craig Wright
People’s Choice: 764 – Jack Wright
775Chad Clark
Canberra National Church ACT
“The winning entry sidestepped cliché nature photography with elegant simplicity and subtlety. It wove a curious tapestry of light, scripture, and creation.”
“The swan photographs were simple and pure, just like Christ in a way. I felt peace and love in God’s creation.”
“We loved the simplicity and beauty of this series. It communicated well the concept of creation’s beauty.”
166George Smith
Port Macquarie Church NSW
“A strong series on the ocean depicting its power and beauty. Technically difficult and demonstrating great use of composition and timing.”
“The runner-up photographs are incredible, even breath-taking. I love the shapes, texture and light in the rocks, such beautiful pictures.”
512Grady Thomson
Toronto Adventist School NSW
“Technically great photos, as well as being very cute. We loved the idea of a portrait series on one animal.”
841Jared Hughes
Byron Bay Church NSW
In the Beginning Create a Space Fill a Space
764Jack Wright
Nambour Church QLD
“The winning entry captured the beauty of the Australian landscape through the eyes of a child. The filmmaker synthesised a clear storyline, appropriate soundtrack, elegant editing and clear representation of the competition theme. The shots were well-framed with careful consideration of light and subject. Beyond technical prowess, the film had a great deal of heart.”
“We loved the pre-planning that went into a creative and cohesive story flow.”
“Awesome video, took us on a journey of what sabbath is like enjoying nature around us. The visual of the video is very strong because it told the story with out much voice over. Amazing cinematic angles.”
957Stefan Hofmann
Embrace Church WA
So much excitement in this video, so much attention to detail, the story voice over was very strong also. It had my attention the whole way through, start to finish.
This filmmaker has the makings of a great cinematographer.
596Craig Wright
Nambour Church QLD